Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Decimals, Fractions and Percentages

My Reflection:
I was learning to convert fractions, decimals and percentages.
I found it hard converting the decimals.
I found easy converting the fractions.
I wanted to work on converting these.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Reading Around the World Challenge

My Reflection:
I was learning to research about a country from the Olympics. I was learning to use skimming and scanning to help me with my research.
I found it hard to choose the country that I wanted to research.
I found it easy to research the flag. I found researching some of the information hard.
I want to work on learning more about my country. I need to work on using skimming and scanning correctly.

Olympic Tagul

My Reflection: I was learning to expand my vocabulary about the Olympics. I found it easy to think of a word for O because I used Olympics. I found it hard to think of words for Z and X. I want to work on knowing more words to do with the Olympics.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Olympic Problem Solving

My Reflection:
I was learning how to problem solve with an Olympics based question.
I found it easy to write the different ways to reach 20 down.
I found hard it think of many different ways to make 20.
I want to work on thinking about more ways to solve this problem.